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Please remember to call the office at 771-2595 anytime your child will absent or late for school.  If you have already notified the teacher of the absence, please call the office as well.

There have been many questions regarding attendance letters. 

Attendance Letters will be generated once absences have hit parameters set by our District. 

Parameters: 5 day excused, 5 day unexcused, 10 day absence, 20 day absence, 30 day absence.  Excused absences do accumulate in addition to unexcused absences

(3 tardies = 1 absence)

Picture of an attendance checklist with make believe names.

Photo of a teddy bear with a bandage from an injury.                

* Please remember to call the office at 771-2595 anytime your child is absent due to an illness or unexpected appointment.  You may leave a message with the following information:  Your name, your child's name, the date and the reason for the absence.

Graphic of the word "update"

* Emergency Information:  It is very important to keep your child's information updated. If you have any changes to your address, phone numbers or emergency contact please let the office know.

If your child has a morning appointment or will be late to school for any reason, it is important for you to call the office by 8:45AM to ensure that your child gets an opportunity to choose a lunch item.  All orders have to be processed by 8:50AM and we generally do not have any extra meals.  If your student's lunch wasn't pre-ordered, you will need to bring your student a cold lunch from home.

It is important that your child checks in at the office if they arrive after the tardy bell.

Appropriate Weather Attire ......

With Wyoming's ever-changing weather, please ensure you send your kiddos to school with weather appropriate attire.  Our kiddos attend recess outside on a daily basis and we want to keep them protected against Wyoming's weather.

If the temperature or wind chill temperature falls 0 or below, our kiddos will take part in INDOOR recess!

Picture showing various winter clothes.

Public use of Buffalo Ridge's Playground

  • To ensure the safety of our students and staff, students/public : The playground is open for public use after the last bus leaves Buffalo Ridge at approximately 4:15PM
  • Students/public will be asked to leave our playground until our students are safely dismissed.

We appreciate your understanding and help with this matter!

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